What do you know about Google that most people don't know?

What do you know about Google that most people don't know?

  • Google's search engine is 100 million gigabytes (GB), if you want to save that much data, then 1 lakh drives of 1 terabyte (TB) will be required.
    Google Data Center image storage
  • Initially, the founder of Google did not know much about HTML (HyperText Markup Language) which is required for creating and designing web pages. That's why Google's homepage is very simple. For a long time, there was not even a submit button on it, tags were searched only by hitting the return key.
    Google search bar design
  • 2095100000000 searches are done on Google every year, that is, more than 60,000 searches are done on Google every second.
    Total search by Google every second
  • Since 2010, Google has bought at least one company per week on average.
    Google Bought company list
  • The idea of ​​GMAIL was given by Rajan Seth when he went to Google for an interview. It was used internally for two years for a thorough test before Google launched the Gmail service. In 2004, Google started Gmail on April 1, i.e. April Fool. The most storage, the ability to send mail fast, made it popular among the people. Initially, it was very important to have an invitation to make it a Gmail account. Later it became free for everyone after becoming popular.
    Gmail idea
  • In 2005 Google bought the Android company. Android's popularity can be gauged from the fact that today it occupies about 80 percent of the smartphone market, that is, four out of every five smartphones are running on the Android operating system. Every day more than 1.5 million people are buying a new Android device.

    Google own Android
  • Google's office employs 200 goats. Google does not use the harvesting machine to mow the grass in its office lawn because the smoke and noise emanating from it cause problems for the employees working in the office. Is applied to. This causes grass trimming and also feeds the belly of goats.
    Google own 200 Goats


  • Actually, Google's name was spelled accidentally in spelling, Google wanted to keep the name GOOGOL but they made a mistake in spelling while writing, after which it was left to Google.
    The name Google is actually derived from the mathematical term 'Gogol', which is basically 1 with 100 zeros after it.Google name meanings and original name
  • Yahoo could buy Google for $ 1 million, but Yahoo refused to make the deal at the last minute. After which Google founder Larry Page and Sergey Brin quit their PhD and started working on Google.Google Yahoo deal
  • The first Google Doodle was a burning man stick figure that came out on August 30, 1998, when Larry and Sergey visited the Burning Man Festival in Nevada.Google First Doodle
  • If you search by typing "Do a Barrel Roll" in Google search, your page will turn 360-Degree.
    Do a barrel roll
  • Did you know Google provides this multi-color bicycle for the use of employees? It not only reduces the problem of pollution but put a good impact on employees' health.
    multi-color bicycle for the use of employees
  • If you search by typing "Askew" in Google search, your page will become slightly slanted.
    Google Askew
  • The Google search engine also had a Mirror Version, which showed everything in a mirrored avatar.
    The Google Mirror version has now been discontinued, but you can still see the mirror version of Google by visiting this "Google Mirror".

    Google Mirror
  • 445822222= English, After searching by typing 445822222= English, it will tell how that number is read in English, and google will pronounce for you.

    google will pronounce for you.
  • Do you know the real meaning behind this dinosaur game? Without the internet, you are in the era of the dinosaur,i.e behind time
    Google Dinosaur Game
  • Type "I want to commit suicide" on the search bar of google you will find something like this.
    I want to commit suicide" on the search bar of google you will find something like this.


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